Member Benefits

State Association Discounts
Thanks to a collaboration with certain state associations, individuals who are already members of those associations may now become members of NELA for a significantly reduced cost. When renewing membership in or joining the Connecticut Library Association (CLA), Maine Library Association (MLA), Massachusetts Library Association (MLA), New Hampshire Library Association (NHLA), Rhode Island Library Association (RILA), or Vermont Library Association (VLA) members may also, for a flat fee of $20 ($15 for students and trustees), become full members of NELA.

Discounts for Incoming and Retired Members

1. First year members are eligible for a $10 discount regardless of membership level.
2. Retirees can now join or renew for a flat rate of $100 for 10 years of membership – a 50% savings!

Staples Advantage Plan

NELA members are eligible for discounts on a wide variety of office supply products through the Staples Advantage Plan. The discounts apply for all Staples brand products and many others, though not all items sold by Staples. Email [email protected] to register.

To learn more, contact the Membership Committee at [email protected].

Mentorship Program

This program is designed to provide mentoring opportunities to librarians and paraprofessionals of diverse needs by volunteer mentors from various library fields and geographic locations. Every effort will be made to match participants with mentors who share stated interests. Both mentor and mentee must be members of NELA. Please click HERE to learn more.