SectionsNELA has four sections representing various workplace specialties. Members are invited to join any section of interest at no extra charge. Academic Librarians Section (ALS)The Academic Librarians Section encourages communication among academic librarians on topics of mutual interest and provides opportunities for professional development and increased cooperation among college and university librarians in New England. NELA is currently seeking a chair for the ALS section. Information Technology Section (ITS) - Currently Seeking VolunteersThe Information Technology Section promotes wide, effective use of information technology by librarians and information professionals through programs and workshops that examine technology trends and issues. Members include those interested in computer hardware and software, library media issues, and emerging technologies. You can learn more about the section’s organization by viewing our bylaws. Volunteer expectations & responsibilities: Members will be expected to attend and contribute to section meetings. When & how often does this section meet? This section meets once monthly for 30 minutes. Expected monthly time commitment: There is no expectation of recurring time commitment, beyond monthly section meetings. Contact: Jennifer He, Join the ITS Mailing ListITS maintains a listserv on Google Groups. Join the ITS listserv to keep in touch with the latest ITS news. Plus you’ll get the opportunity to mine the collective helpdesk of New England technology librarians! Join ITS Google Group Listserv
New England Roundtable of Teen and Children’s Librarians (NERTCL)We are youth service librarians from all over New England who are dedicated to providing continuing education programs for librarians working with children and young adults through conferences and workshops. We sponsor the youth programs at the NELA Fall Conference and host a biennial Spring One-Day Conference that focuses on a topic on interest for youth services. We also plan programs for the NELA Annual Conference each year and offer meetings on a bi-monthly basis. Join us online!
New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL)NETSL WebsiteNETSL’s mission is to bring together all persons in the region interested in library technical services for the exchange of ideas and discussion of problems. The organization also serves to foster cooperation with regional and national agencies having related interests. In addition to being a section of the New England Library Association, NETSL is also a member of the Association of Library Collections & Technical Services Council of Regional Groups (ALCTS CRG). NETSL holds an Annual Spring Conference and provides programming for the New England Library Association Annual Conference. You can see titles of past presentations from the NETSL Conferences since 2005 at Join the NETSL Listserv direct any questions to the NETSL Executive Board at Archive of Past NETSL at NELA Annual Conference Programs